About Us

Our mission is to develop and operate a 100% environmentally sustainable community consisting of housing, food, office space, and other basic human needs within a short distance. 

Build a strong community with exchange of goods/services,  foster relationships though common spaces, and provide a strong connection with nature.  The idea is to implement the ideas of sustainable living into reality and be a model for others while continuing to expand into entire regions.

Our mission is to develop and operate a 100% environmentally sustainable community consisting of housing, food, office space, and other basic human needs within a short distance. 

Build a strong community with exchange of goods/services,  foster relationships though common spaces, and provide a strong connection with nature.  The idea is to implement the ideas of sustainable living into reality and be a model for others while continuing to expand into entire regions.

Objectives and Requirements

The Approach

We want to disrupt the real estate development industry by bringing the client, developer, architect, contractor, and ongoing property management under the same organization. By doing this we can deliver a strong vision from start to continued operation of the community. We will also remove inefficiencies and issues that can arise from traditionally segregated roles in a project like this since all parties will be working towards the same goal.